This Patent Landscape Report Lithium Ion Battery identified all inventions filed in all jurisdictions around the world with a priority date from 2013 that mention any aspect of Li-ion battery technology, including usage statistics, methods of functioning and various types of battery materials. The 27,043 patent families have been mapped based on earliest priority year of any family member. Publications claiming priority from 2017, 2018 and 2019 have not been completely accounted for in this report, because there is a delay between the filing of patents and the publication by patent offices which is usually 18 months and so the last year of complete patent information in this report is 2016.
This report categorizes and graphically analyzes graphene technologies. It is clear from the patenting trends in graphene-related patents and company portfolio and activity, that this is a rapidly emerging research-based area of technology. Looking at the trends in the classification of patents, this technology is now finding application in a diverse range of technological areas.
The patent landscape report named “USING PATSEER TO SEARCH & ANALYZE PATENTS ON INDUCTIVE CHARGING” take a look on Inductive charging from Intellectual property perspective more so from the Patenting activity happening within this technology.
A shape-memory alloy (SMA, smart metal, memory metal, memory alloy, muscle wire, smart alloy) is an alloy that “remembers” its original shape and that when deformed returns to its pre-deformed shape when heated.
This report takes a look into the patenting activity around Gallium Nitride uncovering the companies, inventors, and key applications.
Nanofabrics are textiles engineered with small particles that give ordinary materials advantageous properties such as superhydrophobicity, odor and moisture elimination, increased elasticity and strength, and bacterial resistance
Patents related to thin film batteries can be traced back to before 1950 and the real surge in the activity around this technology has happened in the last 5 years.
In this report you will find Overview of the top companies involved in graphene and their publication trend, Focus on the methods of producing graphene,
Trends for current & emerging applications of graphene and their patent activity and many more insights.
Aerogels may not be a very new discovery but it’s one that is gathering momentum more recently in the field of material sciences and one that is still actively being researched with incremental innovation around it happening very actively. Here are a few basic insights into this technology based on patent filings, patent texts, citations and other patent data using the Patent iNSIGHT Pro software.
In this report you will find Overview of the top companies involved in graphene and their publication trend, Focus on the methods of producing graphene,
Trends for current & emerging applications of graphene and their patent activity and many more insights.